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Spectrum Essentials Flaxseed - Organic - Ground - Premium - 24 Oz




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Spectrum essentials organic cold milled ground flaxseed has premium quality seeds rich in sdg lignans, omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fiber, supporting heart and digestive health. We use a proprietary milling process that finely slices seeds rather than crushing them, thereby preventing the loss of valuable nutrients from oxidation. They are immediately packaged in a light-protected pouch and flushed with an inert gas to ensure optimum nutritive benefits and freshness. Certified usda organic and non-gmo, includes one 24 oz. Pouch of spectrum essentials organic cold milled ground flaxseed.
country of origin : united states
is gmo free : yes
is kosher : yes
organic : 95%+ organic
size : 24 oz
pack of : 1
selling unit : each
ingredients : organic cold milled ground flaxseed
keywords : baking;cereal;digestion;fiber;gmo;grain;heart;non;oats;seeds