Security cameras can save the day or keep an eye on what’s happening in and around your home. Before you install security cameras at home, think about which purpose you want to give them and where you want to place them. That way, you’ll know how many cameras you need to cover your home.

Fortunately, not everyone needs to deal with break-ins and thieves. Some of you only want to see who visits your home while you’re not there, check on deliveries, or keep an eye on family members and pets.

The first step is to determine why you need security cameras, where you will place them, and how many you will need to fulfill that purpose. After determining these factors, it’s time to install them at ideal positions. Keep reading to discover the best places to install security cameras at home.

Where to Install Home Security Cameras - Indoors or Outdoors?

Some people get so invested in placing indoor security cameras that they forget to put any outside and monitor around their home. Don’t make the same mistake. Remember that burglars first need to enter your home to steal something from there. That’s why outdoor security cameras are vital in preventing crime before it can happen. They are excellent for deterring potential thieves.

The most significant difference between indoor and outdoor security cameras is their capability of enduring different weather conditions. That’s why it’s crucial to check the operating temperature and approved use for the security camera you want to purchase. Note that you can modify some models to work both indoors and outdoors.

Where to Install Home Security Cameras Indoors?

Indoor security cameras keep track of what’s happening inside your home. They provide critical information after a break-in. However, they also protect you and your loved ones in other ways. For example, they are an excellent way of keeping an eye on your kids or pets. Below are the best places to install security cameras at home.

  1. High traffic areas: Areas like the living room, children’s rooms, kitchen, and home entrances are the places in your house with the most traffic. These are spaces where you and your family spend most of your time. So, ensure you install home security cameras in these areas.
  2. Hallways: Hallways are typically areas of your home where you keep valuable pictures and antique furniture - items that would make any thief happy if they manage to get their hands on them. That’s why you should place your cameras in the hallways.
  3. Out of reach: Apart from specific rooms, the best way to install security cameras at home is out of reach to prevent anyone who wants to move or steal them.

The Best Way to Install Security Cameras at Home

Man holding wired camera and installing at home.

Prevent Reflection Issues

Windows can cause reflection problems, and pointing a security camera out the window may reduce the image quality. Many cameras feature infrared (IR) light technology. IR helps in motion detection and allows cameras to operate in low light conditions. However, infrared light can reflect off of glass and cloak your footage. So, if your footage seems whited or washed out, there’s probably a reflection issue.

If you have to point your camera out the window, try to place the lens as close as possible to the glass and backlight the outdoor area. Buying a camera with WDR (wide dynamic range) technology can help too.

Avoid Direct Artificial Light

Moreover, the same way direct sunlight will wash out the footage outdoor cameras provide, direct artificial light will be an issue for your indoor cameras. So, avoid facing your security camera directly toward lamps, light fixtures, and bright windows.

Use Corners

Another way to maximize your security camera’s field of view is to place them in the corners. That way, you will get the most of it as the only blind spot will be the corner behind the camera where no one can enter.

Where to Install Home Security Cameras Outdoors?

Outdoor cameras are an excellent way to keep thieves at bay. The best places to install security cameras are out of reach and in critical locations such as the front door, back door, garage, and somewhere where you can monitor your yard. Let’s dive into details.

  1. Front door: Statistics from the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors reveal that 34% of burglars use the front door. A security camera at the main entrance keeps an eye on everyone who goes in and out of your house, giving you peace of mind.
  2. Back and side doors: Doors out of sight allow welcome and unwelcome visitors to enter undetected. That’s why it’s a good idea to place your cameras at such entrances. That’s especially true if some of them are used more frequently than your front door or look particularly accessible to a potential intruder.
  3. Garage and driveway: Garages are one of the weakest entry spots. That’s why they are a common target of intruders. Pointing a camera at your garage or driveway will monitor cars, bikes, tools, and other valuable equipment you may keep there. If your garage is attached to your home, cameras keep an eye on another potential entrance into your house. If you have a gate at the end of your driveway, you can place a security camera there to see if someone attempts to get in.
  4. Yard: Keeping an eye on the yard helps notice if someone undesirable is trying to enter your home from outside. It’s also a good way of monitoring kids and pets.

How to Install Home Security Cameras Outdoors

Outdoor camera security protection.

Protect Your Outdoor Security Cameras

Do you want your security camera to be visible or hidden? Visible cameras can effectively deter burglary attempts. However, they are also theft targets. That’s why some people choose to install a fake decoy camera in a visible place and a real one somewhere more hidden. Others fortify them with heavy-duty hardware to make it harder to steal or damage.

Secure all Entry Ways

It’s crucial to place security cameras on all places where thieves could enter your home. That means all doors and windows on the ground level of your house. Pay extra attention to the ones on the side of your home or behind the bush.

Position Cameras High Enough

You will want to position your security cameras at least eight feet off the ground, and there are reasons for that. First, placing them that high will provide you with the most visibility. Second, that will make it harder for the thieves to steal the cameras and enter your property. That’s especially true if your security camera has local storage only.

Use Outdoor Lighting

Infrared cameras can offer excellent coverage in the dark. However, you can boost visibility by using outdoor lighting. That will help you even more if you have security cameras with a spotlight because the night vision will be in color.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can negatively affect the visibility your security camera is supposed to give you. That’s why you should avoid placing it toward the sun. Instead, look for places without direct sunlight to prevent glare.

Where Not to Install Home Security Cameras

When installing your cameras, pay attention not to violate your neighbors’ privacy. Laws regarding security cameras and privacy differ from state to state, so ensure you check local laws.

Generally, you can have outdoor cameras covering a wide area, and it’s fine to capture your neighbor’s public-facing property. However, you can have legal problems if you use your footage for non-security purposes or capture areas where your neighbors expect privacy, such as bathrooms and bedrooms.

Bedrooms and bathrooms are areas in your home too, where you don’t want to install security cameras because privacy is expected there. Moreover, if you use a monitoring service, there’s a risk of a hacker accessing your private areas.

You Deserve a Peace of Mind

Why experience break-ins or worry about them when you can monitor everything happening at your home? Even if someone undesirable enters, it's much easier to catch them if you know where to look for them. Security cameras can significantly reduce theft and help find the one to blame.

Apart from that, it's easy to install home security cameras inside and around your house. Placing them in areas with a lot of traffic will let you keep an eye on your kids and pets, apart from intruders. You deserve this peace of mind security cameras can provide you with.