The earbuds vs. headphones debate is definitely not new. You have people on both sides swearing that either earbuds or headphones are better in any and all instances. One side will claim that headphones are better even for working out, while the other will argue earbuds are better at noise cancelation.

But, here’s the thing – these two devices are intentionally designed differently. Both are better at something than the other. Just because a person prefers headphones for all activities, that doesn’t make them better. It’s just personal preference and force of habit, most likely.

And there’s truly no wrong answer when it comes to the earbuds vs. headphones debate, unless you insist one product must be better. So, in this article, we’ll lay out the pros and cons of earbuds and headphones, dive a bit into what uses they are best suited for, and hopefully help you choose which ones you should get next.

The Advantages of Earbuds

White wireless earphones on a black mobile phone.

Portable and Subtle (Particularly True Wireless Earbuds)

This one is clear. You can pop earbuds into your pocket and go wherever you want to go. The wires getting tangled is an annoyance and can cause the earbuds to stop working in the long term, but there’s still no debate to be had. Earbuds, and especially true wireless earbuds, are simply more portable than headphones.

Plus, people often won’t notice you wearing earbuds, which is an advantage if you are going for subtlety. On the other hand, some people intentionally wear headphones so that others won’t try to talk to them. In that case, the small size of earbuds may not be an advantage. But, if you just want something that you can take wherever you go, earbuds are the clear winner.

More Freedom

Wearing earbuds lets you move more freely. Even smaller headphones are larger than the largest earbuds. And this means it’s easier to get headphones caught in something or accidentally remove them from your head.

This might not seem like a big deal, but image you’re working out. There’s a lot of head and hand movement going on and it’s not like you’ll be thinking about every little thing you do. Accidentally knocking off your headphones is much more likely to happen than with earbuds.

Besides damaging the headphones, it breaks your flow. The other side of the coin would be that earbuds may fall out by themselves. But that’s unlikely to happen with workout earbuds, as they are designed to stay in your ears regardless of your movement. And you can always add wingtips. In total, earbuds are better for working out.


The price of earbuds and headphones will depend on the brand, naturally. High-end headphones will be cheaper than low-end earbuds. However, earbuds are usually more affordable. All things being equal, high-end earbuds will likely be cheaper than high-end headphones. But this is just a rule of thumb and certainly not true in all cases.

In-Built Microphones

Many modern earbuds have in-built microphones, while headphones don’t as often. When you want headphones with a mic, you usually get a headset or a separate microphone. Now, the headset microphone will often be better than an in-built earbuds mic, but that’s no longer the earbuds vs. headphones debate.

Woman Using Earbuds

Earbuds with an in-built microphone are simply more practical. You can talk on the phone as you walk or while you game, it’s the same. To talk with headphones, you usually need an external mic or to drag around wires and a power source. In short, earbuds are usually better than headphones when it comes to microphones simply because they have them.

The Advantages of Headphones

Vintage microphone and headphones on gray background.

Sound Quality

If sound quality is your primary concern, headphones should probably be your choice. When you compare the sound quality of similar headphones and earbuds, the headphones usually come out on top. Headphones are larger and accordingly have larger drivers, which allows them to make the sound as true to life as possible.

However, that’s not to say that earbuds can’t provide good sound quality. The difference in sound quality in earbuds vs. headphones will usually be so minuscule that you likely wouldn’t notice. It’s just that if you are going for the perfect sound, headphones can provide it (although such headphones will cost a pretty penny).

Noise Cancellation

When it comes to noise cancellation, headphones win. But we should note that there are two types of noise cancelation: active and passive. Active noise cancellation is, to oversimplify, when the earbuds or headphones use a microphone to read the ambient sounds and then produce counter-sounds to cancel it out.

Passive noise cancellation is when a physical barrier stops outside sounds from coming to your ears. So, if you were to put your fingers in your ears, that’s passive noise cancellation. Earbuds and headphones use more advanced methods, but the principle is the same.

Consequently, it’s important what type of noise cancellation you are dealing with. Active noise-canceling headphones and earbuds are more or less equal. However, headphones, especially over-ear headphones, are better at passive noise cancellation because they envelop your ears, which makes them better at blocking out external sounds.

The Battery Life of Headphones

Battery life can be important for wireless headphones or earbuds. And this is another feature where headphones come on top. Headphones are bigger and the battery inside them is bigger, which makes them last longer. It’s as simple as that.

Naturally, this doesn’t mean all headphones will have a longer battery life than all earbuds. The brand and type also factors. But all other things being equal, headphones will last longer without charging. We should also note that most modern earphones can last upwards of 5 hours on a single charge, so battery life may not be a factor in any case.

Are Headphones or Earbuds More Comfortable?

We’ve explained the usual advantages of earbuds over headphones and vice-versa but still haven’t touched on how they compare comfort-wise. That’s because comfort is a highly subjective thing.

Some people find that over-ear headphones put pressure on their ears and make them uncomfortable after a few hours. Others don’t like the feeling of having earbuds inside their ears. Ultimately, it depends on what is most comfortable for you as there’s no rule here.

Which One Is Safer?

Finally, we get to safety concerns. And the first thing we should note is that prolonged exposure to loud music or sounds can damage your ears, regardless of the device you are using. But, the rule of thumb is that headphones are somewhat safer.

Earbuds sit in your ear and transmit sound directly into it, so they are more likely to cause hearing damage. However, the same thing will happen with headphones if you always listen to music too loudly. Consequently, it’s not so much earbuds vs. headphones as it is how you use them.

And there’s one more health concern we should note – ear infections. Earbuds and headphones can contribute to ear infections by letting earwax build up until it becomes suitable grounds for bacteria to develop.

Once again, headphones are somewhat safer. But the difference is small. And simply cleaning your earbuds or headphones will prevent infections. So, headphones are somewhat safer in general, but not listening to music on blast and cleaning your earbuds and headphones removes safety concerns either way.

Is There a Reason to Have the Earbuds vs. Headphones Debate?

Sure, but only if it’s made clear that both are intended to serve different functions. These are similar devices, but not the same. Each will be better at some things and worse at others. When you are deciding between earbuds and headphones, know what you need them to do and base your choice on that.